Views: 10 social media tips for senior tech leaders

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“I’M teaching senior tech leaders on how to use social media later. Any tips?” tweeted Alexandre Rizos, communications director, Europe at AXA XL (a division of AXA), last week. He later wrote “The community delivered.”

In this piece, we share the top 10 tips that emerged:

1. Analyzing the competition and using content examples from other leaders as best practices.

2. Writing for an audience rather than for oneself.

3. Being authentic and understanding that no strategy can outwork not being yourself.

4. Not striving for perfection and instead focusing on consistency.

5. Starting small and building on once comfortable with creating and posting content.

6. Being intentional about content and not posting hastily.

7. Not being scared.

8. Leveraging social media to build visibility in traditional media.

9. Not engaging with trolls.

10. Analyzing audience feedback to understand what works but accepting that it may not work again in the future.

The full thread on Twitter can be viewed here.

Alexandre Rizos is communications director, Europe at AXA XL (a division of AXA). He leads AXA XL’s media relations, thought leadership and social media efforts in Europe. Over the last 15 years, he held a number of positions across internal communications, digital communications, media relations and content marketing at Société Générale, Lloyds Banking Group and AXA in Paris, New York and London.

Written by: Editor

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